There's a quote I read the other day that says:  "Wellness.  The harmony between mind, body & spirit".  That is such an amazing way of looking at wellness.  When all these are balanced, you will feel a better sense of well-being, as it not only comes from the physical health, but also your mental and spiritual health.   

People who hold on to negativity can often make themselves sick, because our physical health is partly determined by our mental health.  I know it is easier said than done, but we need to learn how to let go and take it one day at a time.  

Take for instance STRESS.  Although it is part of our everyday lives, between work and family responsibilities, we run around all day/night.  It seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to complete all our "tasks".  But we need to stop and take control because when it becomes overwhelming, that is when it impacts your body and your mind.  It effects our body by causing muscle aches, especially in our back and neck; it effects our sleeping patterns which in turn causes fatigue; and causes an overall feeling of anxiety.  

The simple way we can take control of our stress levels is by taking some time for ourselves.  Listening to music, reading a book, just sitting quietly, going for a walk, do breathing exercises, or whatever you can do in order to decompress.  

Remember, your mind effects your body, which then effects your spirit.  

Life is about balance. Mind, Body & Spirit...Take Care of You!
